Unexpected find

You know that onimous feeling when you’re swimming along and feel something large in front of you, usually a turtle or a shark? This one was unexpected. Some huge aircraft engine. Photo taken near our outer reef sites in Kane’ohe Bay with Yan swimming nearby .

Integration success

Testing integration of our coral larvae settlement modules with the Zhenhua Huang lab back reef mimicking structures that attenuate wave energy.

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Lighthouse deployment

Leftover coral settlement modules have been deployed at the permitted stabilization site near the lighthouse on Moku o Loʻe. Jump in the water as you visit and take a look.

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After two years of testing and development, our full-scale coral settlement modules have been successfully deployed at our permitted test site prior to the July spawning.

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Printing habitat

Thank you Allison, Lomani and Marina for printing and firing several hundred G2 and G3 designs for this year’s field and tank experiments, including deployments on Oʻahu, Maui and Hawaiʻi Island.

Habtools on CRAN

The R package habtools is a collection of functions for sampling and simulating 3D surfaces and objects and estimating metrics like rugosity, fractal dimension, convexity, sphericity, circularity, second moments of area and volume, and more.


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