Lab Manager


  • MSc in Marine Conservation (2017-2020), Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
  • BSc in Biology and Geology (2014-2017), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

Research & Education

My interests revolve around marine conservation, resource management and education. On the research side, I worked on marine protected areas in Europe (France and Spain) and I was a research technician on a research cruise investigating CO2 concentration in the Southern Ocean. On the education side, I worked on raising awareness on sustainable consumption of marine resources in Chile (Chile es Mar) and I was an education and communication assistant with a French NGO (CPIE Littoral Basque). For the future, I want to have more community involvement in our lab, and help to understand and restore coral reefs! As a Lab manager, I will take part in all the projects the lab is developing, including photogrammetry and building 3D clay structures. XX

Fun fact

Soon I will eat my first tomato ever from my own garden!